CTF40 [CTF] DIMICTF 2020 writeup 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2020. 9. 26. [CTF] rgbCTF 2020 Write up We got 168th place. I received my first prize, shodan premium. Although it was given to 1000 teams, I'm glad about my first prize. After CTF, I was disappointed in myself because I think I should have tried more creatively and intensively and solved more problems After the final exam, I will learn about CTF much more. REV Too Slow Advanced Reversing Machines 1 Crypto I Love Rainbows Beginner pie.. 2020. 7. 15. [CTF] redpwnCTF 2020 Write up The design of that site was pretty cool. I got 235th place in redpwn ctf as a team name, New beginner PWN coffer-overflow-0 coffer-overflow-1 coffer-overflow-2 secret-flag the-library REV bubbly SMArT-solver PWNABLE coffer-overflow-0 #include #include int main(void) { long code = 0; char name[16]; setbuf(stdout, NULL); setbuf(stdin, NULL); setbuf(stderr, NULL); puts("Welcome to coffer overflow, .. 2020. 6. 28. [CTF] RACTF 2020 Writeup 4250 점중에 2500 점 획득해서 168등을 하게 되었습니다. 이번에도 팀원들이 잘해준것같습니다. 한 문제를 깨면, 다른 연관된 문제가 풀리는 퀘스트형식으로 되어있는점이 신기하고 재밌었어요. misc pearl pearl pearl osint RAirways pwn Not really AI Finches in a Stack Finches in a Pie rev Solved in a Flash Snakes and Ladders (crypto 는 각각 카이사르, 비즈네르 암호라 따로 다루지는 않겠습니다) MISC pearl pearl pearl 문제서버에 접속해 pwntools 로 값을 받아올때, log level 을 debug 로 설정하면, 이렇게 값이 옵니다. \r \n 두가지가 불규칙적으로 반복되는.. 2020. 6. 10. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 다음