CTF46 [CTF] DIMICTF 2020 writeup 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2020. 9. 26. [CTF] Fword CTF 2020 Writeup I got the 374th place, with solving one pwn problem. There were a lot of probs and categories, but they were hard for me. Strangely enough, when I solved this problem, the point was over 400. But as the solver increased, my point decreased too. pwn Welcome Pwner Writeup is on my github. github.com/snwox/Writeup/blob/master/CTF/2020/FwordCTF/writeup.md snwox/Writeup Contribute to snwox/Writeup de.. 2020. 8. 31. [CTF] SSTF 2020 (Hackers-Playground) Writeup I solved just 3 probs except for Misc,... In the tutorial prob, there was a PPT with an explanation of the probs and a solution. I saw three solutions about tutorial... The probs were very different. Tutorial probs were relatively easy but I didn't solve all tutorials... I should learn more. The probs were interesting. I came across a new language in My Stego and it was new to analyze the hacker.. 2020. 8. 23. [CTF] rgbCTF 2020 Write up We got 168th place. I received my first prize, shodan premium. Although it was given to 1000 teams, I'm glad about my first prize. After CTF, I was disappointed in myself because I think I should have tried more creatively and intensively and solved more problems After the final exam, I will learn about CTF much more. REV Too Slow Advanced Reversing Machines 1 Crypto I Love Rainbows Beginner pie.. 2020. 7. 15. 이전 1 ··· 7 8 9 10 11 12 다음